Mike Richardson

United States of America

Serving in a variety of roles, Certified Chair™ Mike Richardson has amassed an impressive arsenal of skills over his 40-year career so far. From engineer to program manager, to VP then CEO, USA-based Mike is no stranger to organisational structure and strategy. Originally a geophysicist by trade, Mike’s first role was as a petroleum engineer with gas and oil giant, Shell International, before entering the aerospace industry. Here, he quickly rose through the corporate ladder, where he ran the Aerospace Division of Spirent Communications (formerly Spirent plc).

After his tenure in these roles, Mike began his portfolio career where he has served on the likes of both governance and advisory boards and peer advisory groups for the past 20 years. Fulfilling many roles within board groups, Mike has been Chair of several, aiding businesses in the navigation of their enterprise strategy. It’s within these board roles that he learned the value of possessing, as he calls it, an ‘agile mindset‘.

Becoming a thought leader and pioneer within this field, Mike has gone on to teach CEOs and advise businesses on the value of incorporating an understanding, collaborative, learning, and flexible approach in a corporate context.