Discover Your Pathway

Knowing when and where to take the next step in your executive career is no longer a straightforward decision. The Executive Transitions to Portfolio Career program gives you insight into your options to support you in discovering your own path to a portfolio career.

It is valuable for anyone in a period of transition, including those that may also be seeking to return to work in a full-time, interim or project-based capacity.

Independent guidance for your next professional opportunity

A portfolio career, also known as a board career, is when an individual pursues more than one engagement or source of income simultaneously. Usually the individual applies their various skills to different types of work from consulting to advisory board roles, governance board work or projects/part-time work, creating a diverse portfolio of work and income streams.

For many professionals, a portfolio career is an attractive option. It can provide flexibility, variety, autonomy and earning capacity. This program helps you to navigate that pathway – how to transition into a new role or to start building a portfolio career.

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What to expect from the program?


The program is a self-paced online program that is facilitated by Louise Broekman, Founder & CEO of Advisory Board Centre.

  • Gain insights from the Advisory Board Centre’s Mentor Panel, a group of experienced professionals who have all transitioned in their executive careers and share their strategies for developing a portfolio of work.
  • Understand your professional options and choices to determine your next steps.
  • Explore how to manage boundaries and the ethical practices of engagement.
  • Map your markets to define your personal value and top skills.
  • Create your brand ME and how you present your value to the market.
  • Learn how to get setup for a portfolio career, getting organised and putting together a personal 90-day plan and exploring the power of professional mentoring.


  • Senior Executives looking for their next professional opportunity
  • Up and coming professionals that want to discover new ways of working
  • Consultants and interim executives seeking diversity and sustainability in their portfolio
  • Professional service providers seeking to deliver their personal value in new ways
  • Existing board and advisory professionals
  • Expatriates (expats) returning to their home country or new markets
  • Individuals in professional transition- career change, redundancy or relocation


  • $249 AUD incl. GST

Full Program Details


How long does the program take?

Your time commitment to complete the program will largely be guided by how you want to leverage the tools and activity resources. We recommend 6-12 hours, including time for watching the videos, reading the materials, completing the activities and reflection.

The program assists you in building a personal action plan to be executed over 3-12 months.

You will have 30 days of access to the online program from commencement. You will be able to download the program resources for ongoing use and review.

Will this program contribute to my professional development?

As the professional body for the advisory sector, the Advisory Board Centre provides professional membership and executive learning and development programs.

Completion of this program may contribute towards continuing professional development/education (CPD/CPE) requirements for members of professional associations. The Executive Transitions to a Portfolio Career program is equivalent to 4 hours CPD.

Will I need to buy anything else to gain value from this program?

No. This is not a lead in sales tool or a gimmick to sell you something else. We speak with 1000’s of professionals each year that are evaluating their options and are seeking independent advice in a sales & pitch free environment.

This program is designed to share a practical pathway with you to evaluate and plan your next steps for the future.

What am I doing here? It’s definitely clearer to me now. The exercises showed me that I actually have clarity about what I would like to do. And also how much I have to learn and do to minimise the risks. I had not really thought of my goals in this way before in depth.

Sharyn Csanki

via Thinkific

A well paced, comprehensive and practical kick start program. The content is succinct, with laser focus on what a transitioning executive may need.

Zsuzsanna Holley

via Thinkific

Ready to explore and create the perfect portfolio of work?