
Brazil Overview

Brazil is one of the world giants of mining, agriculture, and manufacturing, and it has a strong and rapidly growing service sector. It is a leading producer of a host of minerals, including iron ore, tin, bauxite (the ore of aluminum), manganese, gold, quartz, and diamonds and other gems, and it exports vast quantities of steel, automobiles, electronics, and consumer goods. Brazil is the world’s primary source of coffee, oranges, and cassava (manioc) and a major producer of sugar, soy, and beef; however, the relative importance of Brazilian agriculture has been declining since the mid-20th century when the country began to rapidly urbanize and exploit its mineral, industrial, and hydroelectric potential. The city of São Paulo, in particular, has become one of the world’s major industrial and commercial centres.


Landscape and growth

Global State of the Market Report

In 2022, the Advisory Board Centre mapped professionals currently serving on Advisory Boards. This assessment identified over 10,000 professionals on Advisory Boards in Brazil, or 1% of the global Advisory Board market.

Advisory Board Landscape

Research has identified that the Advisory Board sector is emerging, and Advisors exist as a profession in Brazil. As an emerging sector, advisory board professionals may have opportunities in key sectors including – mining, agriculture and manufacturing – and are encouraged to stay open-minded to start-up and emerging industries.

Future Growth Opportunities

There is a growing opportunity for professionals to increase participation in Brazil, by formalising Advisory Board structures and collaborating on a global scale. As this sector grows, it is important to note that best practice credentials will shift the market from informal to formal Advisory Boards over time.

Key Statistics

Population 216 million
GDP $1,608,981 USD million
Labour Force by occupation
GDP by sector
Import 306,975 USD million
Export 323,361 USD million
Global ease of doing business rank 125th
Global ease of doing business score 56.45/100